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Returning your empties just got easier - Canit!

Love to do your bit for the planet but just wish you could use the time you spend dropping off your empties to do other stuff.

Alex is a busy man, he has a demanding job that takes up most of his time and when he’s not working - his family always have plans for him.

Living in Berlin, where recycling is taken very seriously, he’s committed to recycling using the German Pfand system and utilises the numerous recycling bins and bottle banks scattered throughout the city - Germany recycles more than any other country.

Alex wants to do everything he can to ensure the future happiness and well-being of his children and he does everything he can to protect the planet – he cares about the environment and appreciates the benefits of recycling. He does his best to reduce waste and preserve the planet for future generations.

However, there’s one aspect of recycling that he finds particularly challenging – taking his empties to the bottle bank!

Alex finds it hard to find motivation during his already busy life. It takes organisation and commitment – both of which he doesn’t have a lot to spare. He’d rather be doing something else with his free time and find a more relaxed way to recycle his empties.

Alex loves to recycle but hates how it’s always in the back of his mind - it’s a necessary inconvenience he can do without.

The good news is, returning empty cans and bottles has just got easier!

The Canit mobile app lets you get rid of your empties from the comfort of your own home – so you can do your bit for the planet and have more spare time for yourself!

So how does it work? Read more or download the App and join the Canit community now.


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